The age old question: How far can they go to promote a movie? Apparently this is the answer:
It seems that the Simpsons are really trying to push their upcoming movie-
following the Simpsons Samsung themed mobile phone and now a limited edition

Oh boy, this box is ugly. I mean even though it's for charity and stuff, it's ugly. It's a good idea to keep it off the shelves.
Some of the comments on a forum:
Harris- Limited Edition The Simpsons 360's only 100
These are the limited Edition Xbox 360's only 100 will be made througout the world looks pretty cool.. controller looks nice more like an EGG yolk LOL
Arjun- yukk!! makes it look lik a toy...
Harris- hehe!! its not for sale though its only gnna be given in charities and stuff
Arjun- no1s gonna buy tht thing anyways even if it does go for sale!
P.S. Thanks to Harris on Orkut for the tip off.