These days you may come across many blogs on the internet about every stuff known to man. Then you might ask, "What's new?" The answer is, "Nothing". "Absolutely nothing". It's more over like a new grapewine in a different, shiny lookin' glass. Except that the glass is like my life and the "grapewine" is what I fill it with everyday. Yep.... Thats how I describe it.
So the next obvious question that comes to your mind is , "Now what the hell is The Andy Culture supposed to be?" Well, my name is Andy and this blog is about the things that effect me in my life. Can be about any god-damm thing on the planet. So why should you care? The answer is that, how different do you think, our lives can be from each other? Think about it? So the name gets derived- "The Andy Culture"
In the end, you can give it any name or caption you feel like, but for me- The Andy Culture" is a "blogger's paradise" where "s*** has never looked this good". Period
Peace out,
Your friendly neighorhood Blogger.